Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 7: Come Holy Spirit

Week 7: Come Holy Spirit
by Jeremy Nice

This week was all about life in the Spirit!  
Is Jesus enough? That is the question! 

The tabernacle and crucifix in the Chapel here at Big Woods Mission

Most of my Christian life, focused on a relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ my savior, my brother. I have been reflecting on this relationship, asking is it enough to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  Some may say yes, others say no. 

This past week we were encouraged to reflect on the lives of the disciples as well as our own lives. This reflection and meditation on Jesus' eleven disciples, greatly impacted my decision. The disciples walked with Jesus nearly everyday for almost 3 years of His public ministry. I assume these men established a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus. However, when the passion and death of Jesus took place, most of the disciples were scared and in hiding. Then after 3 days, Jesus rose from the netherworld. He rebuked the eleven disciples, His close friends for their lack of belief and hardness of hearts (Mark 16:14). 

I empathized yet also wondered: why were they afraid, why did they not believe in Jesus and his teachings, why were they not willing to die with the only begotten Son of God? After all, I knew from Scripture and historical records that all but one of the original apostles boldly died a martyrs death. What changed, how did the disciples go from cowards to heroic martyrs? Was it stronger commitment, more discipline, greater obedience?

The end of each gospel specifically Luke and the book of Acts spoke to me with clarity. Luke 24:49-53, “And behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you, but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high." The preparation for the Christian Mission: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses!” (Acts 1:8). This was the compelling event, the moment that changed, and emblazoned the apostles. The Apostles now boldly, joyfully shared the gospel, the kerygma with all creation, nothing deters them! The book of Acts enlightened and confirmed my own walk with the Lord and the Holy Trinity.
I reflect on my life and how the Word of God has transformed my life, sending His knowledge from my head to love in my heart becoming my Lord.  I recall moments in my own life, I have been too afraid to boldly share the love of Christ with others. However, the Lord has been so faithful and gentle with me and my family. His merciful, patient love slowly, consistently asks me to surrender more of my life to Him everyday. Each time I feel like I have fully surrendered to Him, He provides another more radical request, empowering me to again surrender and trust more fully in HIM. Each step taken to surrender, dying to the flesh, enables more life in the Spirit, building more confidence in Him to provide our radical, yes powered by the Holy Spirit!  Come Holy Spirit, fill us with the infinite, unexplainable, unfathomable, unending love of God!

Come Holy Spirit beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, strengthen me, console me, give me Your orders, tell me what I should do. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and accept all that You permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your will.

Love you ALL in Him, through Him, with Him!


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