Friday, November 30, 2018

Our Mission Post Assignment: General Cepeda, Mexico

We are really excited to be returning to General Cepeda, Mexico to serve as full time missionaries beginning in late January.

Our family following a desert day (prayer time) at the end of our trip to Mexico

What is the need for missionaries in the General Cepeda, Mexico area?

Mexico has one of the highest priest to parishioner shortages in the world; one priest ministers to approximately 7,000 people and in General Cepeda we’ve been told its 1:12,000. There are more than 50 ranchos (villages) in the desert surrounding the small town of General Cepeda with very limited access to a priest, the sacraments, and Christian community.

While Mexico is historically and culturally catholic, the lack of access to sacraments and other issues have led to many falling away from the church and not practicing their faith. The need for a personal relationship with Jesus is real and urgent. The majority of those who are practicing their Catholic faith are women.

Additionally, there is a need for material resources. It gets cold in the winter in the General Cepeda area and homes and buildings are not heated except for those who can afford space heaters. Many people need blankets, coats, hats, gloves and warm socks to not only keep comfortably warm during the day but also to keep from literally freezing to death at night during the winter. Many people cannot afford medication when they or their family members become ill. There is great instability and lack of jobs paying enough for people to consistently feed their families.

Why are we excited to be going to serve in the General Cepeda, Mexico area?

Our mission is to serve the poor and share the Gospel; there is a great need for spiritual and material resources. While we are unworthy, we are still eager to allow the Holy Spirit to use us to feed people spiritually. Thanks to our many supporters, we are eager to share wealth from the US and give directly to meet the physical needs of the poor. The needs are honestly overwhelming and we hope to help people in a way that is sustainable rather than moment to moment. We will rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us and specifically ask for your ongoing prayers to support us in this.

One of the first tasks in a new mission post is to inculturate and embrace the customs of the culture you are in. General Cepeda is a country town with lots of people wearing boots and hats, and even riding horses down the streets. When we felt Jesus calling us into foreign missions, one of the hardest factors was letting go of our horses and imagining our kids not growing up around horses (this was such a large part of our life). In being assigned to General Cepeda, it feels like God gave that gift back to us. Our kids fit right in wearing their boots to walk around town, and we hope that Jeremy will be able to build rapport with the men by working with them in the fields and with the animals.

May God bless each of you and your families!

Peace in Christ,



  1. This is so incredible and an exciting time for your family. General Cepeda is blessed to have you and you'll do amazing things. God is good and so excited to hopefully follow your journey. Goo bless!!!

    1. Amy, thank you so much for your kind words! God bless you!!

  2. Lisa, this brought tears to my eyes! Your faithfulness continues to amaze me! I cannot think of a more perfect place for God to plant your precious family. And I cannot wait to read more of your adventures. I hope you are able to update regularly. Once you get there will you be able to receive mail? And can we send items that you have listed as necessary for the residents there? You will remain close in my thoughts and prayers. Through your servant's heart, hands and feet, I know God will do wonderful things. Take care. And God bless you all! Much love always!

    1. Misti, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond. We do hope to get in a routine to share updates consistently and frequently. Mail is delivered well to Saltillo (a city about an hour away from General Cepeda), but house numbers are not known in General Cepeda and getting mail to individuals is apparently difficult. I've heard there are ways around this such as having things sent to the local pharmacy. Once we are there, I'll hopefully be able to find out a way for us to receive mail and will keep you posted. Thank you for reading our posts and for your kind words and especially your prayers!! God bless you and yours!

  3. So perfect and exciting! Can't wait to see you all and catch up at Christmas!!


Be Love, Be Mercy

The beautiful, historic church in General Cepeda: San Fransisco de Asis. Last spring, we were discussing the miracle of the Eucharist and th...