Sunday, October 28, 2018

First Six Weeks-The "No Matter What" Love of God

First Six Weeks-The "No Matter What" Love of God
by Jeremy Nice

Our first month at FMC has been jam packed with amazing, insightful prayer, teachings, and healings with simplified evangelical teachings of the Church.  The first week slowly drifted by as we deflated from the busyness of the world and spent the whole week learning how to intimately communicate with our Heavenly Father. Oh how Jesus Christ longs to hear our voices, desperately seeking to hear our voices as we share our worries and our joyous moments. Week 2 continued with more intimate prayer, focusing on inner healing. We dove off into the darkest corners of our hearts to find our worldly wounds, only to welcome Christ into those moments for proper healing. We are so broken yet so loved by Jesus! I am learning the more we accept and embrace our brokenness, the more Christ can use us with his overwhelming "no matter what" love. 

The first 2 weeks of intimate dialogue (through prayer and reading scripture-God’s Word) with Jesus laid the foundation for our lifelong journey of evangelization. Knowing and resurfacing the intimate love Christ has for ALL his people has deeply convicted and compelled us to share this news with all of creation, every living, breathing soul. Praise Jesus!

Week 3-6 focused on the mission of the Church, led by the Holy Spirit as the principal agent of evangelization, to build God’s Kingdom. We studied the beauty and simplicity of the kerygma and five point catechism. These tools along with a loving, merciful heart and mindset provided by the Holy Spirit equips us to readily and quickly share God’s love with others. The toolset and skillset also provide simple, practical ways to personally KNOW Jesus and to give our lives completely to HIM. 

We feel so truly blessed to have this amazing opportunity to bathe in the love of Christ. A love that overflows our cups into the lives of others empowering all to know, love, and serve Jesus more intimately. 

Thank you for your prayers and your support!

Blessings of peace, love and joy!


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